
Knowledge is power.

Knowledge is power. FencelineData.org shifts the balance of power from chemical producers to journalists, community members and advocates who can hold them accountable. This tool provides facility-level information about toxic substances made, used and disposed of in the United States for facilities that report to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxics Release Inventory. It has data from the EPA’s TRI, Greenhouse Gas Reporting System (GHGRP) and Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) programs. Search for facilities by ZIP code, substance or parent company to learn how your community is affected.



DataKind tackles the world’s toughest challenges with data science and AI to improve the capabilities, reach, and scale of social impact organizations.

Public Health Watch

Public Health Watch is a nonprofit investigative news organization with a specialty in environmental health. Based in Texas, it is national in scope.

Until Justice Data Partners

Leaders in data science and data justice, with a focus on equity and accessibility, Until Justice facilitates cross training and user experience testing with community leaders, helps develop promising data scientists and aligns FencelineData.org with like-minded systems.

Material Research L3C

An educational service company with a global vision, Material Research will serve the FencelineData.org governing partners and researchers worldwide.